Thursday, November 10, 2011

Get a Melissa & Doug 25% Off Coupon When You Take the North "Poll"

Melissa & Doug want you to tell them which of their educational toys you think is the best! Just click on the image below to place your vote in the North "Poll!" You'll Get a Melissa & Doug 25% Off Coupon** to use at just for voting!


If you aren't familiar with Melissa and Doug toys yet,  you are in for a huge treat. They are a great company, with excellent customer service and high quality toys. Their "philosophy has remained the same over the years–to make each and every customer a happy and permanent member of the Melissa & Doug family, while offering products with tremendous value, quality and design. Their line offers something for everyone with over 1,000 innovative products for children of all ages."

What even impresses me more is the high safety standards they carry. Not all companies can say they have those high standards today.  And I, for one, as both parent and young grandparent, am willing to spend even more, even if it means giving less, to find a company that can reassure me of these high qualities. The following statement comes right from  the Melissa and Doug website.

" From day one, we’ve signed our names, Melissa & Doug, to every product we make. We take that signature seriously --- it’s our commitment to you that you can trust the products you bring into your home. As parents, every time we make a product for you, it also has to pass the test of coming home with us, where we enjoy playing with these same toys with all six of our children.
   No matter how carefully we design our products, we believe there’s no substitute for TESTING, TESTING, and MORE TESTING. The key to assuring the safety of our products is not simply insisting our factories follow our instructions, but to go one step further and AUDIT, INSPECT, AND TEST, not only once, but at various phases of the production process. This is something we’ve always done.
   Additionally, we specifically test our paints and coatings very frequently, to be sure our toys meet or exceed government recommendations limiting heavy metals and lead in children’s items. We have cabinets full of thousands of passing test reports, and these passing results have been verified by 3rd party independently accredited testing laboratories, considered by many to be the best scientific laboratories in the world."
  This past summer my family had the opportunity to be the recipients of some wonderful Seaside and Sand-time toys from the Melissa and Doug collections.  These toys were appreciated and used by both child and adult alike! And they provided us all with hours and hours of fun. So, you can imagine my delight, when one afternoon while shopping at Whole Foods Market, I was turning the end cap on one aisle, and low and behold, the entire end cap was dedicated to Melissa and Doug Seaside Collection toys! And it was under a sign that said "Summer's Best!"  With that said, when you are making your Christmas gift purchases, don't forget Seaside Toys can be used year round, and will be fun for the entire family. And if you are travelling for any of the holidays, please check out Melissa and Doug's awesome product "the TRUNKI! " The children love it!

  Please don't forget to click on the above voting widget box and vote for your fave toys in order to receive a 25% off coupon... that's a great savings. And if you have no little ones to buy for this year, perhaps consider being a Giving Angel to a child or family less fortunate. There is much joy in giving!


**Full Disclosure: this article is my honest opinion of this company.  My opinions are not altered by any consideration given. There has been no financial consideration, but blogger and reader may receive a small gift certificate and/or a special discount rate on the Melissa and Doug products.

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